What a Circus!
Key stage one went to the Circus Ferrel at Rollesby for a fun morning of circus skills.
Welcome to Caterpillars ' class page.
Key stage one went to the Circus Ferrel at Rollesby for a fun morning of circus skills.
We have been busy making hot cross buns with a red nose day theme.
We are learning how to make hot cross buns and looking closely as to what ingredients we will need.
PC Martin came to visit us this week to talk to us about how to keep safe.
We were very lucky this week to have a visit from a dog called Tilly. We were able to show her our reading skills and we read our reading book to her. We think she enjoyed it as much as we did!
On Wednesday we had a visit from some real owls to help us with our Science work on animals and our English work on owl babies.
This week we have been learning about Scotland and its capital city of Edinburgh
Caterpillars have enjoyed working with the programmable toys this week.
Caterpillars enjoyed going to the Junior School on Tuesday to experience the |mmersive Classroom for the first time.
A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood. A mouse found a nut and the nut was good!
Caterpillars enjoyed going outside to explore
The children in Caterpillar class enjoyed their Christmas dinner on Thursday.