Off to Space

Alien Underpants are everywhere!
Well, I hope you all enjoyed the pomp and ceremony of the King's Coronation over the weekend. What a great historical moment for the children to witness. I am sure they would not have minded a ride in the golden, horse-drawn carriage. That really was something special,
The space theme has certainly continued in earnest since the crash landing at the beginning of the Summer term. Rocket engineering has shown some true ingenuity and creativity from the older children, whilst the younger classes have been hunting the school high and low for their underpants' designs. Rumour has it that some aliens were seen on the site and had stolen some of the pupils' creations from the class washing line. If you see any aliens prowling the school grounds, please let the Ladybirds and Caterpillar classes know as soon as possible. It was also great to see children writing their own passports in order to travel into space.
Our Year 2 children are all busily preparing for their own end of Key Stage One tests, which I know they will do their very best at. Mrs. Vaughan and Miss. Cuthill will be practising the techniques to ensure everything runs smoothly. These will be done in the week beginning 22nd May, so please ensure all our Year 2 children are in school that week.
Next week, we welcome one of our Governors in to take a learning walk about our SEND provision and we will be taking our Reception children to Martham Primary Academy for a morning of sporting fun on Friday 19th May. I have no doubt this will be a great experience for the children, as it was last year.
Have a great weekend everyone!