Sporting Fever!
Reception Sports' Trip proves to be a genuine success!
It was great to see the Reception children leaving on a coach today to Martham Primary Academy for a morning of sporting fun. They were all so excited. They really are growing up and I am thrilled they enjoyed themselves a great deal.
Over the course of this week and into next week, our Year 2 children have been and will continue to complete their Key Stage One SATs tests. This has been a stress-free occasion and the children have all done what is expected of them. The marks, once finished, will be used as a tool to help assess where the children are at in their learning for the end of the year.
It has been enjoyable covering the KS1 teachers, whilst groups of children sat their tests. We did some coding work on the IPADs in support of the rocket crash on the premises. There were lots of children with strong skills in Computing and they were able to follow the instructions well completing their spacewalk task accurately and inventively.
Today was also a day, where I had two different Headteachers for the Day shadowing me and getting a taste of the many varied elements I need to deal with each and every day. They led an Infant Assembly, they completed a learning walk about pupil impressions of the foundation curriculum and they carried out an outdoor safety check of the equipment in both schools. They enjoyed spending some money and they took pleasure in reading to younger children. Seeing them both in action made me very proud.
Next week, the KS1 SATs will continue and we have our Summer term sporting enrichment of Tennis to look forward to with Premier Sports on Friday. Remember, we need everyone in their PE kits for that day.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!