Pond Dipping Time!
Dip in the pond to find some living creatures!
Welcome back to the final half-term of the year. It has been enjoyable to see the children in the school pond dipping to try and find some living creatures, whilst at the same time achieving an awe and wonder moment, because the children captured several newts and other pond life insects. It is fantastic to see the classes using our outdoor area well and maximising the learning it can offer the children.
The works of Henri Matisse have been the driving force behind the art and design learning being covered across the school this week and I have been mightily impressed by the children's efforts, particularly in Reception. The use of colour and orientation have enabled the children to design their own version of a snail in the Matisse style. We have some budding artists in the making.
As a safety reminder, can I urge all parents of our children who have siblings at the Junior school to ensure they keep their younger children close by them whilst waiting at the Junior school around collection time. We are seeing these younger children running around the school building, not to mention climbing through and over the railings. This could lead to injury and we do not wish for this to happen, so please keep them close by.
Next week on Wednesday 14th June, we have our open evening for our new Reception parents. This brief presentation will begin at 5:00pm and will be an opportunity to meet staff and hear how our Reception class will operate.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!