A Morning of Sport
Sports' Day success highlights the week!
It has been another full on week starting with the Federation transition. This was a great success and I enjoyed meeting the new Reception children. It will take a little time for our new Reception children to settle in September, but all children go through this and will succeed. It just needs a little time and perseverance. It was also amazing to see our older year groups being in their new classes together as single-form entry classes for the first time since I arrived.
The Infant Sports' morning took place on Wednesday. We were so fortunate that the weather held off and did not force us to postpone proceedings, because all the children were excited to perform in front of their families and show off how talented they all are. It was great to see so many spectators supporting everyone and at the end of the morning, the winning House Team was Filby. Well done to them.
Children have also benefitted from having two work-experience High School pupils in class with them. It has been lovely to see how nicely the children have bonded with them and seeing this relationship being reciprocated appropriately. Both students have worked hard and we wish them well in their future careers, whatever it is they pursue.
The photograph above shows the Years 1 and 2 children completing data handling using Starburst sweets with one another. Our children work so nicely together. It is very rewarding for staff to see how their efforts have paid off establishing such positive interactions and collaboration.
Today, all Year 1 children went off to the Junior School to undertake some Science activities regarding wildlife, particularly Owls. Lots of fun was had by all - all that was needed was a real Owl to make an appearance.
Next week, we will be building towards our Summer Fayre on Friday and using Monday as a non-uniform day in exhange for a tombola donation. We would also like some baked goods brought in on Thursday for our cake stall.
Have a great weekend everyone!