In the Jungle...
M&M Productions show us the Jungle Book story!
It has been another busy week here at the Infant school and I am pleased that the children all got to enjoy our annual performance by M&M Productions; with this year being the story of the Jungle Book. The children were all very well behaved and they were able to sit and enjoy the show, despite the bright lights and loud music. Everyone loved Baloo the bear parading through the audience. The behind-the-scenes workshop was also very interesting and the children got to experience some stage directions and lighting controls. We look forward to next year and the performance of Oliver Twist.
On Monday, we had Reception parents visiting for our Parental Workshop on Little Wandle Phonics. This enabled our families to see and hear how Little Wandle is taught and how they can help and support at home. Remember we are all working together to educate your children to the best we can.
Tuesday, was Mental Health Awareness Day and classes all commemorated the day in their own way. Caterpillars completed some Yoga showing that a healthy body equals a healthy mind. The photographs of this can be seen on our Gallery page.
Wednesday, saw all Infant classes return to school dressed in Halloween costumes for the disco by DJ Kev. It was a very warm, but enjoyable occasion. Thank you to the new PTFA members for organising and thank you to the Reception parents who attended to support their child through their first Infant school disco.
Today, we had a non-uniform day in exchange for a donation towards our Harvest Festival celebrations. Not to worry if you missed this, but it was on our Autumn Term events' list, our website calendar and there was a polite reminder message sent out on ClassDojo yesterday evening.
Next week, we will have our Parent-Teacher Meeting phone calls and/or virtual meetings, so please make sure you have booked in to speak to your child's Class Teacher. We will also see Rev. Jo visit on Monday to have a special, private Harvest Festival assembly with Reception class, whilst the rest of the school will join in with Juniors to walk to Church on Thursday for a larger Harvest gathering.
Have a great weekend everyone!