Farewell Miss. Cuthill
School says the fondest of farewells to Miss. Cuthill
There is always a little sadness when a popular member of the team leaves a school and today was one of those days for us, as we all said a farewell to Miss. Cuthill. A year has gone by swiftly and Mrs. McNulty is soon to return from her maternity leave to partner up with Mrs. Bird. The children from each class gave Miss. Cuthill their contributions and she was also offered the collected gifts from the staff. We will all miss her, but know she will move on to great things and you never know our paths may cross again in the future.
The first week back after a holiday always means the children are a little jiffly and especially when Halloween is taking place. Nevertheless, the children have returned eager to continue their learning and behave as we expect them to. Children will always need refocusing from time to time, that is the nature of being a child and it is our job to ensure they learn how to be the best version of themselves in the future.
The weather has been awful and terribly soggy recently, so please ensure our pupils come to school with the appropriate clothing for the outdoor conditions. We love to get the children outside as much as we can, especially in our nature area, so this is even more important for us.
Next Friday, we have our Federation Remembrance Event around the village memorial. We want everyone to take part and to keep everyone safe on the walk and whilst there, we have asked specific parents to attend with us to support their own children. This is a community event, which we organise and host, so members of the public joining in with us always makes the occasion even more poignant.
Have a great weekend everyone and be safe around any fireworks!