Pudsey Power!
Week ends in celebration for Children in Need!
Anti-Bullying has been the strongest message resonating through both schools this week and as a result we began the week in odd socks to recognise the occasion. Dragonflies made a noise about the anti-bullying campaign too by creating some advice tips on trumpet-shaped templates. "Stand up for yourself!", "Tell your Mum!" and "Tell Mr. Young!" were three popular ideas to seek support if a pupil ever felt bullied. It is great to know that children understand who they can go to should they need help.
The children have been looking forward to attending the Junior school in order to use the new Immersive Learning Classroom, where children can delve deeply into new ways of learning and retain greater knowledge; a place where their senses can be stimulated with new smells and extremes of temperature. It is a fabulous provision, which only our school has in our area.
Friday saw Children in Need being celebrated and this always brings out the fun side in our pupils and staff. We raised around £100, which will all go towards this worthy cause. I am sure we will all be tuned in to the television this evening to see some of the sketches and to see how much everyone can raise together.
Next week, we have our Decoration Day on Friday, so stay tuned for the notice about signing up and making classes aware you are attending. I am sure it will be lots of fun to create things with your children.
Have a great weekend everyone!