Rrrrufff Reader!

PAT Dog soon to make an appearance to support emotions and reading!
Most of you will have seen the recent letter that came out this week regarding an opportunity for our Infant school children to benefit from some time with a reading and therapy dog. This is something we have been discussing a while within the Federation as a wonderful tool to support our children displaying more emotional needs or who are simply reluctant readers. We have been looking into securing a permanent therapy dog belonging to a staff member, but for now, we have secured the loan of one through a recognised programme. We are going to trial it at the Infant school and then, following a successful review broaden this to include the Junior site. We shall let you all know when the dog arrives and look forward to the positive impact it will bring.
It has been fantastic to go into classes this week observing what the pupils are being taught and I loved seeing Reception with their rocker scales learning all about heavier and lighter objects inside and outside and which items float or sink. Year 1 were taking their Gruffalo stories further by sharing important verbs about the different types of animals using Cooperative Learning Clips to help them be more active and engaged. The questioning from staff was also very thought-provoking allowing the children to express themselves effectively bringing in their prior knowledge from their own experiences.
Next week, is National Storytelling Week, so we will be sharing some tales with the children and our links with ENSFC have enabled us to be sent some videos of Sixth Form students reading stories aloud. The pupils will look forward to listening to those.
Have a great weekend everyone!