It's a fair cop!
Police and Reading Dog visit make the week something to remember!
It feels a little strange not having been at the Infant school for a whole week, due to the fact I was covering a Year 6 class at the Junior school, especially when they had so many different events taking place. I do hate missing out on things.
The WOW session with each class ensured the week started with pulses raised and hearts beating faster, but Premier Sports got everyone warmed up and raring to go. Thank you to them.
On Wednesday, the children not only had the luxury of a trained reading dog, which helped to inspire reading, it also supported pupils' emotions. The Police visited to show how the Service help and protect us and how they use their squad car to alert road users with the siren. Everyone got to sit in the front seat and turn the blue lights and siren on. Very exciting!
Once all that had finished, the pupils got to enjoy popcorn and sweets for a midweek movie courtesy of the PTFA. It was very well organised, but I think we will be finding popcorn for years to come. Did any actually go in their mouths?
The enrichment session on Friday was geared around ball games and the pupils got to enjoy more running around and excitement. Not to mention throwing, rolling and catching balls. Who doesn't love that?
Our new approach to how lunchtimes are organised into zones has really helped the children manage their emotions more greatly and has helped lunchtime staff interact with the children. One sitting is definitely the way forward.
Please remember we return on Monday 26th February. Have a great half-term and stay safe,