Easter Egg-Breaker

Egg donations increase excitement for the raffle!
Thank you so much for the donations of Easter eggs for the raffle next week. We will try and sell raffle squares up until the final day of Wednesday morning. Please remember that not everyone will win an egg, because that is the nature of a raffle, and some children depending on the amount they spent on raffle squares, may win more than one. Good luck to everyone who enters the draw.
It has been great to see the different Science experiments going on across the week as the Federation plays its part in Science and Engineering Week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed participating in them immensely and have learnt a great deal. I do not think I will look at a vegetable in the same light again after it was dressed in the style of Supertato and observed to see if it floated or not. Good fun though!
I hope you all managed to speak to your respective class teachers for parent-teacher meetings and were pleased with the reports that went home at the end of last week. If you have not arranged one yet, please do so. Staff will always aim to accommodate you at a mutually agreeable time.
Next week, we will have our Easter Bonnet Parade and I hope the children will be busily making their entries for this year. There are always some exceptionally imaginative ones. A winner from each class will be chosen and awarded with an Easter egg. We will also be welcoming Rev. Jo in for her Easter assembly. Do not forget that we break up for the Easter holidays at the end of the day on Wednesday 27th March.
Have a great weekend everyone!