Sun is High in the Sky!
Lovely weather enables pupils to enjoy learning outside!
Finally, the weather has become more like Summer and the pupils have been able to enjoy playing outside more, using the field and our nature areas at break times and during lessons. Whilst enjoying the outdoors is amazing in such conditions, please ensure you remember to send your children to school with sun cream on, with sun hats and with a water bottle.
It was great to see the Year 2 children going over to the Junior school for an additional transition session of French with Ms. Bibbey. By all accounts, they were very well-behaved and enjoyed the new subject experience a great deal. Some of the children have already begun to show a flare for learning languages.
Reception have been enjoying the outdoors too using the trim trail for agility, using the building blocks for imagination and using the water and sand play to make potions. The staff team collectively do a fabulous job supporting all our children equally and the children have all benefitted from their nurturing approach across the year.
Next week on Monday, we have our transition day for our Infant children. Our current Year 2s need to go over to the Junior school getting them used to their first experience of lining up together. We will also be able to welcome our new Reception children. On Wednesday, we also have our Infant Sports' morning, so please feel free to come and support your child during the activities. By the end of the next week, we will be sending our end of year reports home, so please return the report comment slip for us to hear your views on your child's progress over the year.
Have a great weekend everyone!