
Pupils are not afraid to get their hands wet indoors or outdoors!
This week has been another hectic one across the Federation. The children have continued to be engaged in lots of stimulating learning, as well as experiencing some fun, sensory play, as the picture above highlights. I think the floor will take a year to dry out, but a small price to pay to see the enjoyment it was providing.
Some of our parents from Reception visited on Wednesday to take part in our Little Wandle workshop where it was explained to them how they could best support their children with their early reading development at home. The children do love learning to read using this scheme and I cannot help admire the enthusiasm of the staff when they are teaching it. We are also using this scheme across the Federation, so the children maintain a continuity in their reading development even when they move over to the Junior site.
Thursday saw classes looking at poetry to commemorate National Poetry day. There was a theme of Counting, but it made little difference what types of poems were being looked at, just as long as the children got to enjoy reading them. Some read made us laugh, some were about animals and some made us really think deeply about what was happening in them.
Next week, we have our Infant Harvest Disco on Wednesday 9th October. We will also be commemorating World Mental Health Day on Thursday, not to mention enjoying the latest performance of Oliver Twist by M&M Productions. I have no doubt the pupils will enjoy themselves. With school budgets being what they are now, we do need financial support from parents to enable trips and visitors coming in to continue. Without sufficient funding, we will not be able to put them on in the future.
Have a great weekend everyone.