Bank Holiday of Sorrow

Week ends with a Bank Holiday for the Queen
This week we have been mourning the loss of Queen Elizabeth II in school; reflecting on her life and supporting those pupils and staff affected by her passing. It was informative, not to mention therapeutic, to revisit prior learning from May's Platinum Jubilee festivities. Pupils have been creating pictures of the Queen in her honour.
At the beginning of the week, pupils carried out Roald Dahl-orientated activities to remember his birthday. It has been brilliant to hear the pupils and staff talk about new learning in their classes. The behaviour has been fabulous too. They are all so happy and bouncy.
This week's attendance was won by Bumble Bees with 99%, closely followed by Dragonflies. Keep this up everyone and see if you can be the first class with 100%.
Please be mindful to any common illnesses your child may be coming down with. Sadly, it does tend to happen when pupils return to school, but just keep us informed if your child is ill.
After the Bank Holiday Monday, I have the privilege if visiting classes further to see how they are all getting on with their lessons.
Have a positive weekend everyone!