Return of the Book Fair

Travelling Book Fair welcomes children back to school after half-term!
This week we have had hosted a travelling book fair, where all our pupils could purchase brand, new titles to share and enjoy. Please note that the more books the school can sell, the greater the commission we receive. We can then re-invest this money into further books for all our pupils to enjoy. It has been good to see so many of our families popping in to peruse the selection. Next week, the book fair travels to the Junior school.
Keeping on the theme of reading and literature, next week, we have World Book Day on Thursday 2nd 2023. We are inviting all pupils to dress up as their favourite children's book character if they wish to do so. There is no obligation to purchase an expensive outfit, simply manufacture something which is more cost-effective, such as a mask, or head-dress of the character being portrayed. The staff are also getting into the spirit of this day too and will be offering the opportunity for all children to choose which adult they wish to visit to listen to them reading extracts of their favourite stories. There may also be an animated secret reader quiz, so see if you can guess which adult is behind the character and which book is being read.
In preparation for the Norfolk County Music Festival, both schools are coming together each week to rehearse the two songs being sung there. Last year was a huge success, and we are hoping it will be once again. I am sure the hundred or so children attending will perform superbly later in March and make us all very proud of them.
Have a great weekend everyone!