Red Noses All Around!
Comic Relief begins the Easter run-in!
Well it has been a very positive week, once again at the Infant school and the children have been in fine spirits, particularly as the week ended with Red Nose Day. They all looked amazing wearing something red. All monies raised will go to the Comic Relief cause. Thank you all for your donations.
The Easter season is almost upon us and we will be enjoying the events linked to this in the final weeks. We have our Easter bonnet parade, Easter egg raffle and our Easter assemblies at both schools from Reverend Jo to look forward to. Further information about these will be out in the next few days. On Friday next week, we have a non-uniform day in return for an Easter Egg, which we will put towards the raffle attempting to raise money for the schools.
Friday, saw some of our Governors visit to look at independent writing as part of the latest Challenge Day. The Governors interacted with and spoke to children about their work and got to liaise with staff about the approach to writing in the schools. I am sure this will also be a positive experience for them too helping them to be able to build their confidence in speaking about the schools.
Next week, we have our parent-teacher meetings and we hope all these can be arranged. We are flexible, so please liaise with teachers if timings are not always convenient. I am sure all conversations will be positive and productive. Please do not worry about seeing the books, as we have arranged another Curriculum Celebration Event to take place at the Infants on Thursday 30th March 2023 from 2:15pm.
Have lovely weekend.